Discovery mechanisms


The simple discovery method simply inserts the service name into the host portion of the URL directly. The scheme is hard-coded and the port is left as the protocol default (unspecified).

scheme ::=  "http"
host   ::=  service-name
Simple discovery method
url = klempner.url.build_url('account')
print(url)  # http://account/

This is the default discovery mechanism which is little more than a wrapper around urlunsplit(). It might be useful in Kubernetes for namespace-local services but I am not even convinced that it can be used there. Call klempner.config.configure() or set the KLEMPNER_DISCOVERY environment variable to set a more capable method.


The environment discovery method uses environment variables to configure service endpoints. When build_url() is called for a service, several environment variables will be used to build the URL if they are defined. The service name is upper-cased and each of the following suffixes are appended to calculate the URL compoment.


URL component



host portion of the authority

name of the service


port portion of the authority




see below

The URL scheme defaults to looking up the port number in the klempner.config.URL_SCHEME_MAP dictionary. If the port number is not in the dictionary, then http is used as a default.

Environment variable discovery
os.environ['KLEMPNER_DISCOVERY'] = 'environment'
os.environ['ACCOUNT_HOST'] = ''
os.environ['ACCOUNT_PORT'] = '11223'
url = klempner.url.build_url('account')
print(url)  #

Special case for docker/kubernetes linking

If you are still using version 1 docker-compose files or you are deploying in a Kubernetes cluster, then the ..._PORT environment variable is set something very much not a port number. For example, if there is a service named foo is available on the host and port 5678, then $FOO_PORT is set to tcp:// Needless to say that this is not a simple port number and should not be treated as such. See the kubernetes service discovery documentation for more detail. If the port environment variable matches this pattern, then the host and port are parsed from the URL.

Docker-linked environment variables
# mimic linkage to a single service
os.environ['ACCOUNT_PORT'] = 'tcp://'
os.environ['ACCOUNT_PORT_8000_TCP'] = 'tcp://'
os.environ['ACCOUNT_PORT_8000_TCP_ADDR'] = ''
os.environ['ACCOUNT_PORT_8000_TCP_PORT'] = '8000'
os.environ['ACCOUNT_PORT_8000_TCP_PROTO'] = 'tcp'

os.environ['KLEMPNER_DISCOVERY'] = 'environment'
url = klempner.url.build_url('account')
print(url)  #


The consul discovery method combines the service name and the consul data center to build the DNS CNAME that consul advertises:

scheme ::=  "http"
host   ::=  service-name ".service." data-center ".consul"

The data center name is configured by the CONSUL_DATACENTER environment variable.

Consul URL templating
os.environ['KLEMPNER_DISCOVERY'] = 'consul'
os.environ['CONSUL_DATACENTER'] = 'production'
url = klempner.url.build_url('account')
print(url)  # http://account.service.production.consul/


The consul-agent discovery method retrieves the service information from a consul agent by listing the available nodes from the agent. The service record includes the host name, port number, and configured metadata.

Instead of selecting a host name from the available nodes, the advertised DNS name is used (see consul-discovery-method section) as the host portion.

The port number from the first advertised node is used.

If the protocol is included in the service metadata, then it is used as the scheme for the URL. Otherwise, the port number is mapped through the URL_SCHEME_MAP to determine the scheme to apply.

The consul agent endpoint is configured by the CONSUL_AGENT_URL environment variable.

Consul agent lookup
os.environ['CONSUL_AGENT_URL'] = ''

os.environ['KLEMPNER_DISCOVERY'] = 'consul+agent'
url = klempner.url.build_url('account')
print(url)  # http://account.service.production.consul:8000/


The kubernetes discovery method is similar to the consul discovery method except that it generates DNS CNAMEs that Kubernetes advertises.

host ::=  service-name "." namespace ".svc.cluster.local"

The namespace is configured by the KUBERNETES_NAMESPACE environment variable.

Kubernetes URL templating
os.environ['KLEMPNER_DISCOVERY'] = 'kubernetes'
url = klempner.url.build_url('account')
print(url)  # http://account.default.svc.local/

os.environ['KUBERNETES_NAMESPACE'] = 'my-team'
url = klempner.url.build_url('account')
print(url)  #