Discovery mechanisms ==================== .. _simple-discovery-method: simple ------ The *simple* discovery method simply inserts the service name into the :token:`host` portion of the URL directly. The scheme is hard-coded and the port is left as the protocol default (unspecified). .. productionlist:: scheme : "http" host : service-name .. code-block:: :caption: Simple discovery method url = klempner.url.build_url('account') print(url) # http://account/ This is the default discovery mechanism which is little more than a wrapper around :func:`~urllib.parse.urlunsplit`. It might be useful in Kubernetes for namespace-local services but I am not even convinced that it can be used there. Call :func:`klempner.config.configure` or set the :envvar:`KLEMPNER_DISCOVERY` environment variable to set a more capable method. .. _environment-discovery-method: environment ----------- The *environment* discovery method uses environment variables to configure service endpoints. When :func:`~klempner.url.build_url` is called for a service, several environment variables will be used to build the URL if they are defined. The service name is upper-cased and each of the following suffixes are appended to calculate the URL compoment. +-------------+-------------------------------+---------------------+ | Suffix | URL component | Default | +-------------+-------------------------------+---------------------+ | ``_HOST`` | host portion of the authority | name of the service | +-------------+-------------------------------+---------------------+ | ``_PORT`` | port portion of the authority | *omitted* | +-------------+-------------------------------+---------------------+ | ``_SCHEME`` | scheme | *see below* | +-------------+-------------------------------+---------------------+ The URL scheme defaults to looking up the port number in the ``klempner.config.URL_SCHEME_MAP`` dictionary. If the port number is not in the dictionary, then ``http`` is used as a default. .. code-block:: :caption: Environment variable discovery os.environ['KLEMPNER_DISCOVERY'] = 'environment' os.environ['ACCOUNT_HOST'] = '' os.environ['ACCOUNT_PORT'] = '11223' url = klempner.url.build_url('account') print(url) # .. rubric:: Special case for docker/kubernetes linking If you are still using version 1 docker-compose files or you are deploying in a Kubernetes cluster, then the ``..._PORT`` environment variable is set something very much not a port number. For example, if there is a service named ``foo`` is available on the host ```` and port ``5678``, then ``$FOO_PORT`` is set to ``tcp://``. Needless to say that this is not a simple port number and should not be treated as such. See the `kubernetes service discovery`_ documentation for more detail. If the port environment variable matches this pattern, then the host and port are parsed from the URL. .. code-block:: :caption: Docker-linked environment variables # mimic linkage to a single service os.environ['ACCOUNT_PORT'] = 'tcp://' os.environ['ACCOUNT_PORT_8000_TCP'] = 'tcp://' os.environ['ACCOUNT_PORT_8000_TCP_ADDR'] = '' os.environ['ACCOUNT_PORT_8000_TCP_PORT'] = '8000' os.environ['ACCOUNT_PORT_8000_TCP_PROTO'] = 'tcp' os.environ['KLEMPNER_DISCOVERY'] = 'environment' url = klempner.url.build_url('account') print(url) # .. _kubernetes service discovery: /services-networking/service/#environment-variables .. _consul-discovery-method: consul ------ The *consul* discovery method combines the service name and the consul data center to build the DNS CNAME that consul advertises: .. productionlist:: scheme : "http" host : service-name ".service." data-center ".consul" The data center name is configured by the :envvar:`CONSUL_DATACENTER` environment variable. .. code-block:: python :caption: Consul URL templating os.environ['KLEMPNER_DISCOVERY'] = 'consul' os.environ['CONSUL_DATACENTER'] = 'production' url = klempner.url.build_url('account') print(url) # http://account.service.production.consul/ .. _consul-agent-discovery-method: consul+agent ------------ The *consul-agent* discovery method retrieves the service information from a consul agent by `listing the available nodes`_ from the agent. The service record includes the host name, port number, and configured metadata. Instead of selecting a host name from the available nodes, the advertised DNS name is used (see `consul-discovery-method`_ section) as the *host portion*. The *port number* from the first advertised node is used. If the protocol is included in the service metadata, then it is used as the *scheme* for the URL. Otherwise, the port number is mapped through the :data:`~klempner.config.URL_SCHEME_MAP` to determine the scheme to apply. The consul agent endpoint is configured by the :envvar:`CONSUL_AGENT_URL` environment variable. .. code-block:: python :caption: Consul agent lookup os.environ['CONSUL_AGENT_URL'] = '' os.environ['KLEMPNER_DISCOVERY'] = 'consul+agent' url = klempner.url.build_url('account') print(url) # http://account.service.production.consul:8000/ .. _listing the available nodes: #list-nodes-for-service .. _kubernetes-discovery-method: kubernetes ---------- The *kubernetes* discovery method is similar to the :ref:`consul-discovery-method` discovery method except that it generates DNS CNAMEs that `Kubernetes advertises`_. .. productionlist:: host : service-name "." namespace ".svc.cluster.local" The namespace is configured by the :envvar:`KUBERNETES_NAMESPACE` environment variable. .. code-block:: python :caption: Kubernetes URL templating os.environ['KLEMPNER_DISCOVERY'] = 'kubernetes' url = klempner.url.build_url('account') print(url) # http://account.default.svc.local/ os.environ['KUBERNETES_NAMESPACE'] = 'my-team' url = klempner.url.build_url('account') print(url) # .. _Kubernetes advertises: /services-networking/dns-pod-service/#services