Configuration ============= This library can be configured by environment variables or programmatically via the :func:`~klempner.config.configure` function. If the :func:`~klempner.config.configure` is not called explicitly, then :func:`~klempner.config.configure_from_environment` will be called implicitly the first time that :func:`~klempner.url.build_url` is called. The following grammar snippet for a URL comes from :rfc:`3986`. The goal of :func:`klempner.url.build_url` is creating properly formed URLs so it is very important to understand precisely how the different discovery methods work. The following sub-sections describe how each discovery method populates the :token:`authority` portion of the URLs. .. productionlist:: URI : scheme ":" hier-part [ "?" query ] [ "#" fragment ] hier-part : "//" authority path-empty : path-absolute : path-rootless : path-empty authority : [ userinfo "@" ] host [ ":" port ] Environment variables --------------------- The library can be configured based on the environment by calling the :func:`~klempner.config.configure_from_environment` function explicitly. .. envvar:: KLEMPNER_DISCOVERY Controls the discovery method that the library will used. The following values are understood: - :ref:`consul-discovery-method` - :ref:`consul-agent-discovery-method` - :ref:`environment-discovery-method` - :ref:`kubernetes-discovery-method` - :ref:`simple-discovery-method` .. envvar:: CONSUL_AGENT_URL Configures the Consul agent URL used by the :ref:`consul-agent-discovery-method` method. Note that the path, query, and fragment portions of the URL are ignored. .. envvar:: CONSUL_DATACENTER Configures the datacenter used for Consul-based discovery methods. This variable is required if :envvar:`KLEMPNER_DISCOVERY` is set to :ref:`consul-discovery-method`. .. envvar:: CONSUL_HTTP_TOKEN Configures the option authorization token for interacting with the Consul HTTP API. If this environment variable is set, then it is sent as a HTTP ``Beaerer`` authorization header. .. envvar:: KUBERNETES_NAMESPACE Configures the name of the Kubernetes namespace used by :ref:`kubernetes-discovery-method` to generate URLs. If this variable is not set, the value of ``default`` is used. URL schemes ----------- The default scheme for all URLs is ``http``. If a port number is available for the configured discovery scheme, then the port number is looked up in :data:`klempner.config.URL_SCHEME_MAP` and the result is used as the URL scheme. The initial content of the mapping contains many of the `IANA registered schemes`_ as well as a number of other commonly used ones (e.g., ``postgresql``, ``amqp``). You can adjust the *port to scheme* mapping to match your needs. If you want to disable scheme mapping altogether, simply clear the mapping when your application initializes: .. code-block:: python klempner.config.URL_SCHEME_MAP.clear() Use the ``update`` operation if you need to augment the mapping or override specific entries: .. code-block:: python klempner.config.URL_SCHEME_MAP.update({ 5672: 'rabbitmq', 15672: 'rabbitmq-admin', }) The mapping is a simple :class:`dict` so you can manipulate it using the standard methods. It is not cached anywhere in the library implementation so all modifications are immediately reflected in API calls. .. _IANA registered schemes: /uri-schemes.xhtml